Ryan has taken here some standard Alfa GTA bonnet hinges and modified them to full racing specification by drilling multiple holes of varying sizes very accurately to lighten the part by as much as possible without losing to much strength. Here Ryan is using a skill called jig chasing
June 2013 was another busy month at Creative Classic’s celebrating our first birthday. Ryan’s skills as the Creative Classic apprentice continue to develop working independently on projects. This month Ryan continued on his work on Frog Eye Sprite body panels. Three more pairs have be
The Austin Healey Frog Eye Sprite has to be one of the most cheerful looking cars ever made. That said it is something of a Marmite car. Some people love them, while others are not, shall we say, so keen. Flowing curves and that open mouthed smile seem to divide opinion. Whatever side
March has been a busy month as Ryan continues to develop the skill set he needs as part of his apprenticeship at Creative Classics. A task undertaken this month by Ryan was to produce a bonnet for an Alfa GTA specifically for track racing. Weight and strength are even more important
Ryan puts the finishing touches to the Healey Rudspeed special ready for customer collection he was responsible for the detail around the lights. He also had to make good the dash board which was in a very poor state on arrival with several additional holes that needed to be T.I.G. we
Creative Classics have extensive knowledge and experience in creating classic car body panels. It takes many years of practice to master the skills necessary to create the perfect classic car body panel. Wanting to keep these traditional manufacturing practices alive Creative Classics